Friday 3 December 2010

The Heat is On!!

The Heat is On!!

Contestants from all over the UK gathered to compete in The Great Northern Cook Off 2010 in Cheshire’s very own Cookery School here in Manchester and had their culinary delights sampled and judged by Michelin Star Chef Michael Caines!

The heat was on this week as the Marketing Executives battled the Firemen and the Accountants battled The Brewery Experts as they all competed for a place in the Final of the Great Northern Cook Off 2010. Pots and pans at the ready the teams arrived early to prep their workstations before entering the strict 2-hour cook off where they were only allowed two phone calls to their chef mentor for advice and help if disaster struck. The teams were required to create a three-course gourmet meal with preselected ingredients to be judged by Michael Caines. Not only have the teams got to shine and produce an outstanding dish but their mentor who has been teaching them the skills and tricks of the trade since September is also being judged for the Mentor of the Year Award. The teams have been given dishes to reproduce that best represent their chef mentor and they must make them shine; Andrew Nutter’s teams V’s Simon Rimmer’s team, the pressure is on to keep their place in the competition for their team to be crowned The Greatest Northern Cook. We saw some beautiful dishes produced, our favourite being lunch! We shot some superb footage and got some great cooking tips…. for dinner I believe I will have the confit guinea fowl served with turned vegetables and jus!!

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